Tag Archives: lum

5th Quarter – Application – Additional Child

BEFORE YOU BEGIN — Please review the application first and be sure that you have all of the information you need before filling out the form. You will NOT be able to save your work and return to this form at a later time.

When you have the information you need — fill out the registration form below.

When the registration form is completed and you’re ready — click SUBMIT.
IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing — otherwise, it may not go through. You will receive an email confirming that LUM has received your registration when it is submitted properly. When typing information into this form, please do NOT use only lower case or upper case letter.

5th Quarter – Important Information, click HERE
5th Quarter – main page, click HERE

For a PDF version of the 5th Quarter Application & Medication Record Forms, click HERE.

No LUM Program applicant shall suffer discrimination due to his/her race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, physical handicap, sexual orientation, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity.

Financial Assistance Request

Please Note – This Form is ONLY for Individuals who are NOT able to Request Assistance In-Person (M-F – 8:15AM) due to Disability, Work Schedule or Illness

LUM staff members will review your online request and call or email you between 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday after your application and supporting documentation (lease or utility bill, etc) is received. Phone calls to clients submitting online requests will be made as time allows. For more information about the LUM Financial Assistance Program, click HERE.

In order to be consider for financial assistance you must complete the following steps:

  • Step 1 — Fill out request form below
  • Step 2 — Click SUBMIT.
    • IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing. You will receive an email confirmation, if it is submitted properly.
  • Step 3 — Email documentation for your request to gsp@lumserve.org

Your request will NOT BE REVIEWED until you submit the form and email the documentation.

No LUM Program applicant shall suffer discrimination due to his/her/their race, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, parental status, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity.

Vacation Bible Schools – Local – 2019

Below are several local Vacation Bible School programs offered by the member churches of LUM — many of which are FREE. They are listed below by date. Please note: these programs are not sponsored by LUM, so please click the link of the ones you like (or call or email), find out more information & sign up directly with the sponsoring church.

  • 6/3 – 6/5; “Holy Moly! Living Pentecost” at St. John’s Episcopal Church (600 Ferry St., Lafayette) 3 yrs. old to 9th Grade. More information: click HERE or email hilary@stjohns-laf.org
  • 6/3 – 6/7; “Cat Chat” at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church (535 West State St., West Lafayette) 4 yrs. old to 4th Grade. More information: click HERE
  • 6/9 – 6/11; “Short Stories, Parables of Jesus” at Central Presbyterian Church (31 N 7th St., Lafayette) All ages. More information: click HERE or email news@centralpreschurch.org
  • 6/10 – 6/14; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Grace Lutheran Church (102 Buckingham Dr., Lafayette) 3 yrs. old to 6th Grade. More information: click HERE or email bpike@gmail.com
  • 6/11 – 6/15; “Hero Central” at Stidham United Methodist Church (5300 S 175 W, Lafayette). More information: click HERE or call 317-441-9276
  • 6/17 – 6/21; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Church of the Blessed Sacrament (2224 Sacramento Dr., West Lafayette) 4 yrs. old (PreK) to 5th Grade. More information: click HERE or call 765-463-5733
  • 6/17 – 6/21; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Dayton Memorial Presbyterian Church (731 Walnut St., Dayton). More information: click HERE
  • 6/17 – 6/21; “Birth of the Church in Acts & Modern Day Missionaries” at Faith Presbyterian Church (3318 St. Rd. 26 West, West Lafayette) Pre K to 6th grade. More information: click HERE
  • 6/17 – 6/20; “The Incredible Race” at Federated Church (2400 Sycamore Lane, West Lafayette) 4 yrs. old & older. More information: click HERE
  • 6/17 – 6/21; “To Mars & Beyond” at First United Methodist Church (1700 W State St., West Lafayette) 3 yrs. old to 12th Grade. More information: click HERE
  • 6/17 – 6/21; “The Vatican Express” at St. Lawrence Church (1916 Meharry St., Lafayette) 4 yrs. old (by June 1) to 4th Grade. More information: click HERE
  • 6/23 – 6/27 at Immanuel United Church of Christ (1526 S. 18th St., Lafayette). More information: click HERE
  • 6/23 – 6/26; “Miraculous Miracle” at Word of Life Fellowship Church (3650 Greenbush St., Layette) All ages. More information: call 225-302-0014 or 317-370-3302
  • 6/24 – 6/28; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Christ United Methodist Church (3610 S 18th St., Lafayette) 4 yrs. old to 4th Grade. More information: click HERE or email emily@christumchurch.org
  • 7/7 – 7/11; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Saint Andrew United Methodist Church (4703 N 50 W, West Lafayette) 4 yrs. old to 4th Grade. More information: click HERE
  • 7/8 – 7/12; “ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good” at Heartland Community Church (3900 E 300 N, Lafayette) 3 yrs. old (if potty trained) to 6th Grade. More information: click HERE 

After School Program Payment Expectations

LUM After School Program is open based on the Lafayette School Corporation Calendar.  

LUM After School Program is open based on the Lafayette School Corporation Calendar.  The After School Program has a set tuition per child, which takes into account all breaks and holidays. Fees are charged regardless of dates/times services are used, as we base our fees on services provided over the course of the semester.  We ask that you commit to paying weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Please understand that timely payment is vital for the functioning of the program.  Our fee covers the cost of providing a safe and nurturing environment, tutoring/homework help, daily snacks, educational activities, field trips, Purdue-sponsored events, and recreational activities.  At this time, we plan to be closed for all school holidays and breaks.  Please look at the LSC calendar.

ASP Sliding Fee Scale
Poverty LevelWeeklyMonthly
<127%may qualify for CCDF vouchers
128 – 175%$40.00$128.00
176 – 400%$50.00$160.00

Monthly Tuition Option: Due, in full by the first of each month. 

Weekly (or Biweekly) Tuition Option: Weekly or Biweekly Payments should be made in advance on the Friday before the covered period.  For Weekly or Biweekly options, the listed late fee will be charged after Monday pick up on the week(s) covered.  

Late Payments:

Payment is expected, in full, by the due dates listed based on your choice of payment option. A $10 late fee will be applied to payments made after the due date. If payments are not made on the due date, and no payment arrangements have been made, services will be suspended until payment has been made in full.  There will also be a late pick up fee assessed at $5 for 15 minutes or any part thereof after 6 p.m.  Continued late pick up will result in loss of services.

CCDF Funding:  Your swiping of hours and payment of weekly co-pay (if applicable) are required forms of payment for you.  If you fail to pay or swipe hours on time, you may be in jeopardy of losing your care at LUM.  Please keep up to date with those expectations.

Families must contact the Director no later than 24 hours prior to a late payment through REMIND, office phone 765.423.2691, center phone 765.269.4121, or email khogue@lumserve.org.  

Immigration Consultations

CONSULTA TU CASO GRATIS  para Ciudadanos Mexicanos

Reserva una cita con:
Marisol Sánchez

LARA 1100 Elizabeth St, Suit 3
Lafayette, IN 47904

Solo el sábado 2 de Marzo:
LUM, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901

  • Viernes  1 de Marzo 10 am – 12 pm – SIGN UP
  • Viernes  1 de Marzo 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – SIGN UP
  • Sábado 2 de Marzo 2:30 pm – 6 pm – SIGN UP
  • Lunes  4 de Marzo 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – SIGN UP
  • Martes  5 de Marzo 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – SIGN UP
  • Miércoles  6 de Marzo 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – SIGN UP
  • Jueves 7 de Marzo 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm – SIGN UP

Documentos que debe llevar a la entrevista


  • Uno de los siguientes documentos: pasaporte mexicano, o matrícula consular, o certificado de nacimient

Información que debe llevar a la entrevista

Información personal

  • Correo electrónico 
  • Número de teléfono móvil 
  • Código postal 
  • Ciudad de nacimiento 
  • País de nacimiento 
  • País de ciudadanía 
  • Estado civil 
  • Estado de inmigración de su pareja
  • Familia en los Estados Unidos (viva o fallecida) ¿Alguno de sus familiares tiene (o tuvo, si falleció) el estatus legal en los Estados Unidos?
  • ¿Su pareja o algún miembro de su familia ha servido en las Fuerzas Armadas de los Estados Unidos? 
  • ¿Ha presentado algún miembro de la familia una petición I-130 en su nombre o en nombre de su cónyuge o sus padres?  

Historia de empleo

  • ¿Tiene trabajo actualmente?
  • ¿Ha expresado su empleador interés en patrocinarlo para una visa de trabajo? 
  • Años de declaración de impuestos 
  • Nombre y dirección del empleador 
  • Antes de este trabajo, ¿estaba empleado en otro lugar?

Historia de la inmigración

  • Fecha de entrada más reciente en los Estados Unidos. 
  • Forma de entrada (entrada sin inspección, libertad condicional o tipo de visa)
  • Lugar de entrada (Frontera de los Estados Unidos. – México o aeropuerto)

LUM Camp 2018 – Registration NOW Open

Four Day, Overnight Camp – July 31-August 3

lum camp fireflyWhat is LUM Camp?
LUM Camp is a 4-day, overnight camp experience, including swimming, crafts, music, food & fun! This year’s theme is “Let Your Light Shine.”

Who can come?
Children ages 8-10…

  • Who qualify for free school lunches, OR…
  • Whose family receives food stamps, OR…
  • Whose family is at or below 150% of the poverty level

Where is LUM Camp held?
Hanging Rock Camp in Warren County, Indiana

When is Camp?
Tuesday, July 31 – Friday, August 3

When may I register my child for LUM Camp?
Online at NOW, go to client.lumserve.org/lum-camp -OR-
Any Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the LUM Office, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette

What do I need to have when I register?
Name of child’s physician & phone number; Prescription medicine information (name of medicine and time it needs to be given to your child);
Registration fee – $5 & $1 for each additional child (this is the only cost to you)

Any questions?
Call LUM at 765-423-2991, Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Register Today! Registrations are first come, first served.

Naturalization – FAQs

Here are some “frequently asked questions” about Naturalization — and the answers.


Q: Am I eligible to naturalize?

A: When it comes to deciding whether you are eligible, factors to consider are how long you have been a permanent resident (green card holder), how much time you have spent in and outside of the U.S., and how long you have lived in your U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) district (where you live now and will apply from). This page will outline the two most common cases, but there are also some special situations, especially related to military service or government work. If you believe you might be a special situation, you can contact LUM or access more information here: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/article/chapter4.pdf

If you are a typical applicant (over 90% of applicants fit this category)

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must be a permanent resident for the past 5 years
  • You can not have left the U.S. for 6 months or longer
  • You must have spent at least 30 months of the past 5 years in the U.S.
  • You must live in your USCIS district for 3 months

If you are not a typical applicant, but are married to a U.S. citizen:

  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must be currently married and living with the citizen
  • You must be married and living with that citizen for 3 years
  • Your spouse must be a U.S. citizen for 3 years
  • You must be a permanent resident for the past 3 years
  • You can not have left the U.S. for 6 months or longer
  • You must have spent at least 18 months of the past 3 years in the U.S.
  • You must live in you USCIS district for 3 months

Q: Can my child sponsor my citizenship?

A: This is a common and understandable question many immigrants have. Unfortunately, the answer is no. Once your child, who must be a U.S. citizen, turns 21, they may sponsor your green card. You still must be a green card holder for 5 years before you can apply for citizenship.

Q: How much does naturalizing cost?

A: The application for naturalization, called the Form N-400, costs $725 to file. This is made up of a $640 citizenship application fee and an $85 background check cost ($640 + $85 = $725). The reason this fee exists is because the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCIS) is self-funded, meaning it does not receive money from the U.S. government. 90% of USCIS operating costs are covered by application fees

Q: Am I eligible for a discount or a fee waiver?

A: There are many different reasons you might be eligible to save some money on the fee. These are the two most simple:

  • If you are over 75 years old, you do not need to pay the fee for the background check (save $85)
  • If you are in the military, your whole filing fee is waived (save $725)

USCIS gives waivers to those who can not afford the naturalization fees, as well. However, you must request a fee waiver by filing Form I-912 (called Request for Fee Waiver) along with your citizenship application. You may also submit a written request. You are the most likely to become eligible for the fee waivers if you are receiving benefits, like TANF, SSI, LINK, and Medicaid. You are also likely to become eligible for fee waivers if your family earns less than 150% of the federal poverty level. This has to do with how many people are in your family or household. The table on the following page shows 150% of the 2018 poverty level by family/household size.

Persons in family/household Annual income
1 $18,210
2 $24,690
3 $31,170
4 $37,650
5 $44,130
6 $50,610
7 $57,090
8 $63,570

** For families with more than 8 persons, add $6,480 per person.

The citizenship test: There are two parts to the test: a civics test and an English test. This document will outline each part of the test and whether you are able to take a simpler version of the test.

Q: What can I expect on the civics test?

A: The civics test contains questions about U.S. history and government. A USCIS officer will ask you 10 questions from a list of 100 questions in English. You must answer 6 correctly.  It will not be a multiple choice exam, but the list of 100 possible questions can be found online here: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/teachers/educational-products/100-civics-questions-and-answers-mp3-audio-english-version .

Q: What can I expect on the English test?

A: The English test contains three parts: a speaking test, reading test, and writing test. For the speaking test, a USCIS officer will determine your speaking skills during your Form N-400 interview. If you show you generally understand the officer’s questions and respond to them in a way that makes sense, you will pass this part. For the reading test, you must read one sentence correctly and show that you understand what the sentence means. You have to read the whole sentence without long pauses and you have to read all important words, but you can skip short words that do not affect the meaning. You will not fail for having an accent and you have three tries. For the writing test, you must write one sentence that is read to you. As long as you have the same meaning as what was read to you, it is okay if you have some grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. You can skip short words that don’t affect the meaning and you also have three tries on the writing test. Flashcards to study vocabulary for the reading and writing test can be found here: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learners/study-test .

Q: Am I eligible to not take the English test?

A: If you are a certain age and have been a permanent resident (green card holder) for a long time, you might be eligible to not have to take the English test.

  • If you are 50 years old or older and have been a permanent resident for 20 years, you do not have to take the English test, or
  • If you are 55 years old or older and have been a permanent resident for 15 years, you do not have to take the English test.

If you do not have to take the English test for these reasons, you still have to take the civics test. However, you may take the civics test in your native language, as long as you have an interpreter that speaks your native language and English.

Q: Am I eligible to not take the civics test?

A: In most cases, you will have to take the civics test. However, if you are 65 years old or older and have been a permanent resident for 20 years, you can take an easier version of the civics test in your native language. You will need an interpreter that speaks your native language and English. You still need to answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly, but there are only 20 possible questions you need to study. These questions can be found online, click HERE.

Additionally, those with physical or developmental disabilities or mental impairments that prevent them from being able to take the tests may be exempt from the English and civic test. For this, people need to submit a Medical Certification for Disability (Form N-648) with their application and have their disability authorized by a medical professional. It is important to note that people are only exempt if they can prove they wouldn’t be able to take the tests without accommodations.

Q: Can I be a dual citizen?

A: Many immigrants are concerned that when they become a U.S. citizen, they will have to give up their identity as a citizen of their home county. However, the U.S. allows dual citizenship! It is important to realize that laws are different for each country and that they change frequently, but many other countries also allow dual citizenship. As long as your home country allows it, this means you can be a U.S. citizen and maintain citizenship of your home country as well. The following list tells whether countries with the most immigrants that come to the U.S. allow dual citizenship.

YES – allows dual citizenship

  • Mexico
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Dominican Republic
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Haiti
  • El Salvador
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Iraq
  • Pakistan
  • Canada

NO – does not allow dual citizenship

  • India
  • China
  • Korea
  • Cuba
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Indonesia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Iran
  • Japan

Keep in mind, you might have to apply for dual citizenship through your home country or maintain a passport from your home country to travel there. Rules are different for each country. If you have any questions or your country was not on the list, please contact LUM for more information. You may also visit this site for more information: https://corpocrat.com/2016/10/06/dualmultiple-citizenship-which-countries-permit-dual-citizenship/

Q: Is it worth becoming a U.S. citizen?

A: Applying for citizenship can be expensive and time consuming. You are probably wondering why it is worth it for you to spend so much time on this process. Becoming a U.S. citizen has many benefits. This page will outline major benefits.

Q: May I VOTE in US elections if I become a US citizen?

A: Becoming a U.S. citizen means you are able to vote. This means you will get a say in who writes laws that affect your life in many ways. Many immigrants say they do not want to become citizens because they do not like current politicians, but if you naturalize, you can vote against them!

Q: Will I be saving money if I become a US citizen?

A: Although it is expensive to apply for citizenship, it is also expensive to keep renewing your green card! You must renew your green card every 10 years and it costs $540 each time. This price also always rises. By the time you renew your green card twice, it is already cheaper to become a citizen.

Q: Will I be able to TRAVEL if I become a US citizen?

A: although you are free to travel as a permanent resident using your green card and passport of your home country, you cannot leave the U.S. for long periods of time. If you do this, you might lose your permanent resident status. Once you become a U.S. citizen, you are able to leave the U.S. for extended periods of time without facing consequences as long as you have a passport! Additionally, if you have a U.S. passport, it is easy to travel to almost any country. You will also be protected by US embassies abroad.

Q: Will I be able to help family members immigrate?

A: Once you become a U.S. citizen, you can help your family members immigrate and obtain green cards. As a permanent resident, you can only sponsor your unmarried children or spouse and the wait time is very long. Citizens can sponsor married or unmarried children, a spouse, a fiancé, their siblings, and their parents and the wait time is much shorter.

Q: How long will I keep my US citizenship?

A: Once you naturalize, U.S. citizenship is good for life. Unlike your permanent resident status, your citizenship can not be revoked. If you commit a crime, you may be deported or may not be able to renew your green card. Also, if you are traveling as a permanent resident, a Customs and Border Protection Officer has the power to not allow you to enter the U.S. based on something small, like having an old photo on your ID. If you are a citizen, reentry is very easy.

Q: Is there a booklet that has all of this information?

A: Yes. Here is all the information you need in a booklet (PDF). Click HERE.

Q: Do you want to take your permanent resident status a step further and become a United States citizen?

A: The last chapter describes the process of naturalization, or how to turn your permanent residence status to a citizenship. It includes the benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen and the requirements for naturalization.

Go back to main LUM Immigration Clinic page, click HERE.

After School Childcare – Immediate Openings

LUM After School Program – Now through May 23

The LUM After School Program has immediate openings for the 2017-2018 school year for children in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade, from now through May 23, 2018.

Only $30 per week per child -or- $110 per month

The LUM After School Program includes the following:

| Homework Help | Recreational Activities | Academic Enrichment |
| Arts & Crafts Projects | Safe & Loving Environment | Tutoring |
| Bus Transportation from your Child’s School to LUM |

If interested, please attend the LUM After School Program OPEN HOUSE, Friday, January 5, 2018 at 5 p.m. at Central Presbyterian Church, 31 N 7th Street, Lafayette.

Family Safety Planning

This page contains information and resources about your rights and safety that will help family become better prepared.

Safety Planning Binder

Family Preparedness Binder

This “Family Preparedness Binder” is for you, your family, and/or your loved ones to keep informed and plan ahead in case of changes in your immigration situation. We, the LUM Immigration Clinic and the Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies, have collected these resources and information about your rights, childcare and guardianship, financial preparedness, and other topics to support you as you continue to plan and prepare. Print it, use it, share it—this binder is yours!

Carpeta de Preparación Familiar

Esta “Carpeta de Preparación Familiar” es para que tu, tu familia y/o tus seres queridos se mantengan informados y planifiquen con anticipación en caso de algún cambio en su situación de immigración. Nosotros, la Clínica de Inmigración LUM y los Aliados de los Inmigrantes de Greater Lafayette (Greater Lafayette Immigrant Allies, en inglés), recopilamos estos recursos e información sobre sus derechos, cuido de niños/as y tutela, preparación financiera y otros temas para apoyarte a tí mientras continuas tu planificación y preparación. Imprímela, úsala, compártela—¡esta carpeta es tuya!

Family Preparedness Binder (PDF): English Version HERE | Spanish Version HERE

Know Your Rights

Know Your Rights: A Guide to Your Rights When Interacting with Law Enforcement

YOU HAVE RIGHTS regardless of your immigration status. You may be at risk of being deported if you are undocumented, if you are a non-citizen with a criminal history, if you are on parole or have a prior deportation order. To protect yourself, your family and your
community you must KNOW YOUR RIGHTS. Knowledge is power. Act NOW. Do not wait. Be prepared.

CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS: Guía sobre sus derechos en relación a contacto con oficiales de inmigración o la policía

USTED TIENE DERECHOS sin importar su estado migratorio. Usted podría estar en riesgo de ser deportado si no tiene documentos, si no es ciudadano y tiene antecedentes penales, si está bajo libertad condicional o tiene una orden anterior de deportación.
Para protegerse, a su familia y a su comunidad, usted tiene que CONOCER SUS DERECHOS.
El conocimiento es poder. Actúe AHORA. No espere. Esté preparado.

To View the Know Your Rights Guide (PDF)
Choose a language: English | Spanish | Chinese | Amharic |

LUM Immigration Clinic
| FAQsOther Resources | Home | Top of Page |

Contact information:

Christian Gallo, Immigration Clinic director
cgallo@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691