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How to Prepare for Changes in the Presidential Administration

How to Prepare for Changes in the Presidential Administration

Immigration Clinic Logo ICThe new administration is expected to make significant changes to current immigration policy.

The details of what President-elect Trump will actually do on immigration are unknown.

Until Jan. 19, 2017, current Obama administration immigration policies will remain in place.

What can you do to prepare?
  • Beware of immigration scams and notarios! Get information and assistance from a qualified immigration legal service provider. Visit www.cliniclegal.org/directory to locate an organization near you. More information about avoiding notarios can be found at: www.cliniclegal.org/notario.
  • Apply for citizenship! If you are a lawful permanent resident and currently eligible for naturalization, we encourage you to apply. If you have pending relative petitions, check with a legal adviser first. Note: the fees for naturalization will increase on December 23, 2016.
  • Get screened! You may be eligible for relief from deportation. Call or email your local CLINIC affiliate to find out about screening — Susan Brouillette, LUM Immigration Clinic director (sbrouillette@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691).

What if you have DACA?

If you or a family member currently holds Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, here’s what you should know:

  • During his campaign, Trump said he would end DACA. Right now, we are not sure if and when that would happen. We do know that DACA is in place at least until January 19, 2017.
  • You should immediately seek guidance from a qualified legal services provider if:
    • You are considering an initial DACA application
    • You want to renew DACA
    • You are planning travel outside of the U.S. with an Advance Parole approval

Do you know your rights?

Know your rights about interacting with immigration agents.

For assistance in Tippecanoe County or for more information, please call or email:

Susan Brouillette
LUM Immigration Clinic director
sbrouillette@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691

This resource provided by the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. For more resources, visit cliniclegal.org. Resource updated 11/10/16

Immigration Clinic – FAQs

10575196_768525713188979_8932596467946438936_oHere are some general “frequently asked questions” about LUM immigration services — and the answers.

  • For Naturalization (Citizenship) FAQs, click HERE
  • For DACA FAQs, click HERE

Q: Need to find the contact information for a specific government agency?
A: In the first pages of the USCIS new citizen guide you’ll find contact information for all the federal departments and agencies, a list of the federal holidays observed, and specific information to contact USCIS.

Q: Want to know what research resources are available?
A: This section of the USCIS guide orients you to the purpose of the Guide for New Immigrants and includes free resources to answer further questions you may have on life in America.

Q: Have questions about maintaining your permanent resident status? Want to know your rights?
A: Becoming a US Citizen comes with a lot of perks, but also a few responsibilities. Both are outlined in this chapter with explanations on how to renew your permanent resident card, how to remove the conditions on your permanent resident status, if you have them, how to find legal assistance, and the consequences you may face if charged with a crime as a permanent resident.

Q: Have social security questions? Want to know what to do if you’re a victim of housing discrimination?
A: This section deals with the fundamental checklist of things you’ll need to do as a permanent resident. This starts with getting a social security number, which is often needed by financial institutions to set up bank accounts or receive aid, schools, and to get a driver’s license. This section also gives options on how to find housing and where to go if you feel you have been a victim of housing discrimination, the best way to look for a job and how to determine if you’re eligible for employment, childcare, and transportation options.

Q: Need help filling out tax forms or with personal finance?
A: The “taking care of your money” section discusses how to keep you personal finances in order, what the different types of tax are in the U.S. and how to pay them, and how to protect yourself from scams, identity theft, and other fraud.

Q: Have questions about health care, education, or federal benefits programs?
A: This section provides information on the different forms of education in the U.S., health care, and other federal benefits programs. It includes information on how to enroll your child in school and common questions about transportation to and from school, activities, and school lunch. It also runs through the type of higher education degrees anyone can pursue, regardless of age, and how to apply for federal financial aid. It also talks about federal and state healthcare and federal benefits programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

Q: Want to know how to protect yourself and your family in an emergency?
A: This section has information on how to prepare for an emergency, like making sure you have working smoke alarms in your home and what to put in a disaster kit. It also includes under what general situation you should call 911 for and what happens when you do and the important government agencies that will issue alerts in the case of a natural disaster.

Q: Have questions about American history or the function of the government?
A: This chapter includes a brief history of how the United States came to be and an outline on the three branches of the federal government. It also includes an outline of the fundamental rights of every citizen and the functions of state and local governments.

Q: Do you want to take your permanent resident status a step further and become a United States citizen?
A: The last chapter describes the process of naturalization, or how to turn your permanent residence status to a citizenship. It includes the benefits of becoming a U.S. citizen and the requirements for naturalization.

Find the guide in other languages!


Go back to main LUM Immigration Clinic page, click HERE.

Immigration Clinic – Intake Form

BEFORE YOU BEGIN — Please review the application first and be sure that you have all of the information you need before filling out the form. You will NOT be able to save your work and return to this form at a later time.

When you have the information you need — fill out the form below.

When the form is completed and you’re ready — click SUBMIT.
IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing — otherwise, it may not go through. You will receive an email confirming that LUM has received your form when it is submitted properly. When typing information into this form, please do NOT use only lower case or upper case letter.

Immigration Clinic – main page, click HERE

After School Program — Important Information

Monday-Friday, School-dismissal-time through 6:30 p.m.; August 7, 2024 – May 22, 2025 (dates may change due to changes in LSC calendar)

Location: LUM Ray Ewry Center, 525 N 4th St., Lafayette, IN 47901

Sign Up Your Children TODAY — Click HERE

Important Dates

  • FIRST DAY — Wednesday, August 7
  • Fall Break — October 21-25
  • Winter Break — December 23 – January 5
  • FIRST DAY — Wednesday, January 6
  • Spring Break — March 25 – 29
  • Days Closed — September 2, October 21- 25, November 27-29, December 23-January 5, January 20, February 17, March 24- 28 (dates may change due to changes in LSC calendar)
  • LAST DAY — Thursday, May 22 (date may change due to changes in LSC calendar)
  • School Calendar — LUM After School Program always follows the regular Lafayette School Corporation calendar (dates may change due to changes in LSC calendar)
    • LSC Delays — no change to ASP
    • LSC Early Dismissal — ASP canceled
    • LSC Cancels School for any reason — ASP canceled
    • LSC days off — ASP closed — see above “Days Closed”
  • Open House
    • Tours of the LUM Ray Ewry Center (525 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN) may be arranged by emailing Kristi Hogue at khogue@lumserve.org.
    • Please come see the facility, meet staff and get answers to any questions that you may have, and learn in detail what your child will experience in the After School Program

Fees & Payment Information

Sliding Fee Scale – Per Child
Poverty LevelWeeklyMonthly
<127%Your family may qualify for CCDF vouchers
128 – 175%$40.00$128.00
176 – 400%$50.00$160.00
  • PAY WEEKLY or MONTHLY. You choose the payment plan that fits your budget the best.
    • Weekly: $40, $50 or $60 for each child
    • Monthly: $128 or $160 or $192 per month for each child
  • Payment due in advance — the last school day of the previous week/month
  • Must agree and follow payment schedule
  • Due with Application (non-refundable): $10 registration fee
  • Late fee: $10.00 each time your fees are not paid on time
    • Repeated lateness could result in removal from the program
  • Payment Options — Pay Online -or- Pay in Person -or-  Pay by Mail
    • Indiana CCDF Vouchers accepted
    • Pay Online – through Paypal – click HERE
    • Pay in Person
      • Pay when you drop off or pick up your child(ren)
      • Stop by the LUM Office (420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901), Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
    • Pay by Mail – Make checks payable to Lafayette Urban Ministry; and mail to Lafayette Urban Ministry, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901
  • Payment Expectations, click HERE

Medical Information:

  • Immunization Record — A current shot record with the current year’s date is required before application will be accepted
  • Medication and allergy information on the application form

Attendance, Absence & Pick-Up Information

  • Absences
    • If a child is not going to attend ASP for a day or more, parents must let LUM know as soon as possible but no later than noon on the day of the absence.
  • Pick Up
    • Children must be picked up by 6:30 p.m. each day
    • Only parents may pick up children; other adults picking up children must be authorized in writing and in advance by parents – no exceptions
  • Parking
    • Must park in legal parking spaces at the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center
    • Handicap Parking is available only in designated area

Other Information:

  • Communication with Families for whom English is a Second Language
    • LUM welcomes children from all backgrounds. Communication with parents is very important for your children’s growth, learning and safety. If you are not able to communicate in English, please have an emergency contact person listed for LUM who speaks English and is authorized to pick up your children.
  • Children’s belongings:
    • LUM is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen items
    • Items not allowed in school are not allowed at ASP
    • Children are not allowed to bring anything from home, including but not limited to: toys, electronics, candy, or food.

Forms & Information:

  • Family Guide, click HERE
  • Discipline/Guidance Policy, click HERE
  • Payment Expectations, click HERE
  • Lafayette School Corporation Calendars, click HERE

Contact information:

Kristi Hogue, LUM Youth Programs director
Email: khogue@lumserve.org
Phone: 765-423-2691

After School Program Application — Click HERE

Other Resources | Home | Top of Page | ASP Home | 5th Quarter Home |

No LUM Program applicant shall suffer discrimination due to his/her race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, physical handicap, sexual orientation, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity.

After School Program – How to Apply

After School Program – APPLICATION PROCESS


After School Program application will NOT be accepted until ALL of the below items are submitted.

  1. Fill out the Online Application Form, click the button below.
  2. Due with Application (non-refundable): $10 registration fee
    • Pay Online HERE -or- Pay in Person -or- Pay by Mail 
  3. Household Information – number of individuals living in household and proof of income for every member of the household
  4. Parent Notice Form – print, complete, sign & return (click HERE). Copies available at LUM if you are not able to print it.
  5. What you need to submit with your application and registration:
    • Online Application Form – Completed, click button below
    • Children’s names, date of birth, grade, school, teachers’ names
    • Medical information – medication and allergy information; Immunization Record – current year
    • Educational needs information; Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
    • Emergency contact information
    • Read and agree to the Discipline/Guidance Policy
    • Payment, if not paid online

If you have additional questions, please email or call Kristi Hogue (khogue@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691).

Important After School Program Information may be found HERE

  • Includes important information for students & parents
    — dates, open house, fees, forms & more
  • OPEN HOUSE: Tours of the LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center (525 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN) may be arranged by emailing Kristi Hogue at khogue@lumserve.org.

Who’s eligible for the After School Program:

  • Elementary aged children – Kindergarten through 8th grade
  • Students attending the following schools:
    • Lafayette School Corporation — all schools
    • West Lafayette Community School Corporation — all schools
    • Lafayette Christian School and St. James Lutheran School
    • Paramount Schools of Excellence
    • Tippecanoe School Corporation — not offered at this time
  • Limited to 60 children

Contact information:

Kristi Hogue
Email: khogue@lumserve.org
Phone: 765-423-2691

After School Program – Application

BEFORE YOU BEGIN — Please review the application first and be sure that you have all of the information you need before filling out the form. You will NOT be able to save your work and return to this form at a later time.

When you have the information you need — fill out the registration form below.

When the registration form is completed and you’re ready — click SUBMIT.
IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing — otherwise, it may not go through. You will receive an email confirming that LUM has received your registration when it is submitted properly. When typing information into this form, please do NOT use only lower case or upper case letter.

After School Program – Important Information, click HERE
After School Program – main page, click HERE

No LUM Program applicant shall suffer discrimination due to his/her race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, physical handicap, sexual orientation, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity.


Here are some “frequently asked questions” about LUM financial assistance — and the answers.

Q: What do I need to bring with me for rent, utility, or prescription assistance?
A: Depends on what you need help with, but generally a photo ID, a copy of your current lease (or mortgage payment book), the most recent utility bill that shows “disconnect notice,” your HIP/MDWise statement, the information of which pharmacy your medications are ready for pick-up.

Q: Does my utility bill need to be a disconnect notice?
A: Yes. Exceptions to this are if you have a deposit, payment agreement, or budget billing showing on your current bill.

Q: Will you help with an eviction?
A: Many times real eviction court dates come with a hefty amount owed. We may or may not be able to help you because our funding is so small or we’ll require you to already have paid a significant portion of the amount owed.

Q: Do you help with phone cards?
A: No. We do not help with phone cards. If you are receiving TANF/SNAP, you should qualify for a government phone and that is what we recommend you seek since it’s free of charge to you.

Q: Do you help with cable TV/internet bills?
A: No. This is not something we are able to assist with.

Q: Will you help with CityBus tokens or Greyhound trips?
A: No. This is not something we can generally assist with. In extremely rare and unique situations, it may be possible.

Q: What do you help with?
A: We help with utilities after you receive a disconnect notification (but please come see us before you are actually disconnected!) or in other situations like payment agreements, deposits, or budget billing. We offer small amounts for rent/mortgage. We’ll help with most prescription drugs, including prescription glasses. We’ll help pay your annual HIP premium.

Q: Besides financial assistance, is there anything else you do?
A: Yes! Our program also helps to resource you with other avenues for assistance and by guiding you to other areas where you may qualify for varying types of help to improve your situation. This includes things like: referrals, a current “Now Hiring List” for area employers, information about government programs, etc.

Go back to main LUM Financial Assistance Program page, click HERE.

Immigration Clinic – Request Services

If you wish to request services from the LUM Immigration Clinic — you must first complete and submit this form.