Tag Archives: pablo malavenda


In addition to the services & programs offered by LUM — here is a list of resources you may also find helpful:

You may also check the Bauer Family Resources’ Community Resource Guide:

DISCLAIMER – Lafayette Urban Ministry does not examine, determine, warrant or endorse the information listed above. Use of this list is voluntary and will not result in any liability against LUM. In no event shall LUM be liable for damages to any user of this list for the voluntary selection of any professional, for the services provided by any agencies, companies and individuals listed above, or for any other damages which may occur. Furthermore, it is important to understand that this directory is simply a list of agencies, professionals or businesses, and no recommendations, guarantees or endorsements are made regarding the quality of service you might expect from any of the professionals or businesses listed. Understand also that inclusion or omission of particular professionals, businesses, organizations, or services does not imply a recommendation, or lack of, by LUM.

Hanging Rock – Agreement

for Waiver and Release, Assumption of Risks & Indemnification


NOTICE: This document affects your legal rights, please read carefully. Handwritten changes to this document are not permitted and will not be honored. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and shall not be modified except via written document, executed by both parties. If any portion of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

I, the  Participant and the Parent/Legal Guardian of participant, being above the age of 18, agree as follows:

I acknowledge and understand that certain camping activities, including but not limited to: skating, skateboarding, paintball, ropes courses, archery, marksmanship, water sports, horses, zip line, rappelling, rock wall, swimming, ATV and dirt bikes are hazardous and dangerous activities that require strenuous exercise and varying degrees of skill and experience. I understand that these activities can result in serious injury to the person and damage to property and I voluntarily assume any and all risks of loss, damage or injury while on the premises.

I acknowledge that there are risks, hazards and dangers of personal injury, death and disability inherent in entering camp grounds and participating in, or viewing camp activities. I am aware that the usual risks, hazards and dangers of personal injury, death and disability increase when using certain camping equipment and when other persons, whether of the same or different level or experience or skill, are using the same facilities and equipment.

In consideration for my participation, or for the participation of my child or the minor for whom I represent that I am legal guardian, I hereby release and forever discharge Hanging Rock Christian Assembly, INC. and their servants, employees, officers, directors, trustees and all other persons or entities acting on their behalf (collectively referred to as “HRCA”), from any and all claims, actions, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses and attorney fees which are related to, arise out of, or are in any way connected to my child’s, or the minor for whom I represent that I am legal guardian’s viewing or participation in any camping activities. By signing this Agreement, it is my intention to waive any rights to sue or seek damages from HRCA; except where injury, death or disability results from HRCA gross negligence.

I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend HRCA against any and all claims for damages, costs, expenses or attorneys fees brought by any third party in connection with or arising out of my, or the above-listed participant’s involvement or participation. This Agreement shall be effective and binding upon my marital community, estate, heirs, agents, personal representatives and assigns.

I accept responsibility of medical coverage while at Hanging Rock. Hanging Rock does not carry camper/guest/participant insurance.

Emergency Consent: Participant may receive emergency and/or routine medical care from a physician or emergency facility if I am incapacitated (if participant), or cannot be reached in an emergency (if parent/guardian).

I hereby certify that I am over 18 years of age; I have carefully read the foregoing and acknowledge that I understand and agree to all the terms and conditions. I have had the opportunity to ask any and all questions regarding this Agreement and the effect of the same. I am aware that by signing this Agreement, I assume all risks and waive and release certain substantial rights that I have or possess.

Discipline/Guidance Policy

{As required by the State of Indiana – Provider name: Lafayette Urban Ministry}

It is very important that a child’s development is nurtured through caring, patience and understanding.  However, while caring for your children, we may have to respond to your child’s misbehavior.  Hitting, kicking, spitting, hostile verbal behavior and other behaviors which will hurt another child are not permitted.

In response to these behaviors, we will not use:

  • Threats or bribes
  • Physical punishment, even if requested by the parent
  • Deprive your child of food or other basic needs
  • Humiliation or isolation

In response to misbehavior, we will:

  • Respect your child
  • Establish clear rules
  • Be consistent in enforcing rules
  • Use positive language to explain desired behavior
  • Speak calmly while bending down to your child’s eye level
  • Give clear choices
  • Redirect your child to a new activity
  • Move your child to a time-out area for no longer than one minute per year of your child’s age, if necessary

If your child’s behavior is very disruptive or harmful to him/herself or other children, we will discuss the issue with you privately.  If the situation can be resolved, the child may remain enrolled.  If we are unable to resolve the issue, you may be asked to make other child care arrangements.

Please also see the other LUM behavior management documents in your registration packet.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

As a parent, you may have some concerns or wish to offer suggestions.  We may modify the above plan with agreed upon suggestions. Additional techniques to be used with my child and suggestions may be emailed to Kristi Hogue (khogue@lumserve.org).

Letters to Campers

Your LUM Camp registration will NOT be accepted without a letter to your child included.

Each camper will be given a letter from their family while at LUM Camp. The children love the letters from home — and it really helps make their time at camp happy and positive. Thanks in advance for writing a thoughtful letter to your child.

Here are some requirements and helpful tips:WP_20160510_12_58_37_Pro

  • Letter MUST be…
    • Hand-written
    • Written as if they are at LUM Camp NOW
  • Be positive
    • Focus on the positive experience of attending LUM Camp
    • Happy letters of encouragement
    • No bad news
  • Be creative
    • Use colorful paper, pens
    • Add stickers — draw a picture
    • Write a letter from the family pet

Topic Ideas

  • Sample sentences
    • “I bet you’re having a wonderful time at camp!”
    • “I can’t wait to hear about all the fun things you’ve done at camp this week”
    • Like swimming, climbing the wall, riding a horse, arts & crafts, hiking
    • “I look forward to hearing about all the new friends you’ve made at camp this week.”
  • Funny
    • Include a funny story — it can even be true
    • Joke of the Day — click HERE
    • Riddles — click HERE
  • Educational
    • Include a topic of interest — or specific topic
    • Word of the day — click HERE
    • Trivia — click HERE
  • Spiritual — Bible verse of the day — click HERE

LUM Camp Registration form, click HERE
LUM Camp – How to Register, click HERE
LUM Camp Important Information, click HERE
LUM Camp – Behavior Expectations, click HERE
HRCA Agreement, click HERE

5th Quarter – Medical Form

BEFORE YOU BEGIN — Please review the form first and be sure that you have all of the information you need before filling it out. You will NOT be able to save your work and return to this form at a later time.

When you have the information you need — fill out the Medication Record form below.

When the Medication Record form is completed and you’re ready — click SUBMIT.
IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing — otherwise, it may not go through. You will receive an email confirming LUM has received your form when it is submitted properly.

5th Quarter – Important Information, click HERE.
5th Quarter – main page, click HERE.

For a PDF version of the 5th Quarter Application & Medication Record Forms, click HERE.

5th Quarter – Application

LUM Summer Childcare (5th Quarter) is FULL for Summer 2023

If you wish to be put on the waitlist, please email Kristi at khogue@lumserve.org.

Please read the instructions carefully before beginning. If you have any questions or need assistance, please email Kristi Hogue at khogue@lumserve.org.


  • Please review the application first and be sure that you have all of the information you need before filling out the form. You will NOT be able to save your work and return to this form at a later time.
  • When you have the information you need — fill out the registration form below.
  • When the registration form is completed and you’re ready — click SUBMIT.

IMPORTANT — Stay on this page until the form is done processing — otherwise, it may not go through. You will receive an email confirming that LUM has received your registration when it is submitted properly. When typing information into this form, please do NOT use only lower case or upper case letter.

  • 5th Quarter – Important Information, click HERE
  • 5th Quarter – main page, click HERE
  • For a PDF version of the 5th Quarter Application & Medication Record Forms, click HERE.

Lafayette Urban Ministry does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity, in any of its activities or operations.

5th Quarter — Important Information

5th Quarter Summer Learning Program


  • May 27 – August 1, 2025 (subject to change due to snow days)
  • Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.


  • LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center, 525 N 4th St., Lafayette, IN

5th Quarter Application Process — Start HERE

Important Dates

  • Tours Available – by appointment only. Email or call Kristi Hogue to arrange (765.423.2691 | khogue@lumserve.org)
  • Deposit fees due — All deposit fees must be paid in full in order to attend
  • FIRST DAY of 5th Quarter — Tuesday, May 27, 2025 (subject to change due to snow days)
  • Independence Day (observed) — Friday, July 4, 2025 — 5th Quarter is closed
  • LAST DAY of 5th Quarter — Friday, August 1 or 8, 2025

Fees & Payment Policies

  • Every-Two-Week fees are due in advance (Friday before the following week);
    Weekly fees are
    due in advance (Friday before the following week);
    Daily fees are due in advance each day at drop-off
  • LUM accept CCDF Vouchers
  • Openings are first come, first serve. Deposit fees will guarantee a spot for your child(ren) for the weeks indicated. 

3 Ways to Pay — Pay Online -or- Pay in Person -or-  Pay by Mail 

  • Pay Online – through Paypal – click HERE
  • Pay in Person
    • Pay when you drop off or pick up your child(ren)
    • Stop by the LUM Office (420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901)
      Monday-Friday: 8:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  • Pay by Mail – Make checks payable to Lafayette Urban Ministry;
    and mail to Lafayette Urban Ministry, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901
  • Fees (subject to change):

Sliding Fee Scale – Per Child
Poverty LevelWeeklyDaily
<127%Your family may qualify for CCDF vouchers
128 – 175%$80$25
176 – 400%$90.00$30

Shot (Immunization) RecordA current shot record with the current year’s date is required before your child(ren) begin(s) the program.

Forms & Information:

  • 5th Quarter – Important Information, click HERE
  • Discipline/Guidance Policy, click HERE
  • Application (PDF), click HERE

Contact information:

Kristi Hogue, 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program director (khogue@LUMserve.org | 765-423-2691)
Text Updates – to sign up for LUM 5th Quarter updates, text @lum5q to 81010

2016-05-24 5thQ 001 Fuse (1280x1133)

What’s Offered

  • Summer childcare with structured learning
  • Dates/times:
    Tuesday, May 27 – Friday, August 1 or 8, 2025 (start date may change due to LSC snow days)
    Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
    Closed for holidays including Independence Day (Observed Monday, July 4)
  • Location:
    LUM Ray Ewry Youth Center
    525 N 4th St., Lafayette, IN 47901
  • Nutritious snacks
  • Learning based on Indiana Academic Standards in reading, writing, math, social studies and science
  • Recreational and playground activities, Field trips

How to sign-up your children for 5th Quarter:

  • Submit an application — to START the process, click the “Submit an Application” button below
  • Fees (subject to change):
Sliding Fee Scale – Per Child
Poverty LevelWeeklyDaily
<127%Your family may qualify for CCDF vouchers
128 – 175%$80$25
176 – 400%$90.00$30
  • Due at the registration
  • Application fee will be used for the last week of 5th Quarter
  • Pay Online HERE -or- Pay in Person -or- Pay by Mail 
  • Forms & Information — 5th Quarter:
    • Important Information, click HERE
    • Discipline/Guidance Policy, click HERE
  • Tours Available – by appointment only. Email or call Kristi Hogue to arrange (765.423.2691 | khogue@lumserve.org)

Who’s eligible for 5th Quarter:

  • Limited to 50 children
  • Elementary aged children – starting Kindergarten through completed 6th grade

What you need to submit with your application and registration:

  • Children’s names, date of birth, grade, school name
  • Medical information – medication and allergy information; Immunization Record
  • Educational needs information; Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
  • Emergency contact information
  • Read and agree to the Discipline/Guidance Policy

5th Quarter Application Process — Start HERE

Lafayette Urban Ministry does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military status, political association or belief, or union affiliation or activity, in any of its activities or operations.

Other Resources | Home | Top of Page | 5th Quarter Home | ASP Home |

5th Quarter – How to Apply

ENROLLMENT CLOSED – 5th Quarter 2021 is FULL

If you wish to be added to the Waiting List, email Kristi Hogue at khogue@lumserve.org

5th Quarter Summer Learning Program – APPLICATION PROCESS


5th Quarter application will NOT be accepted until ALL of the below items are submitted.

  1. Fill out the Online Application Form, click HERE
  2. Pay $80 Fee per child; or $25 per day
    • Pay Online HERE -or- Pay in Person -or- Pay by Mail
  3. Submit the following for each child:
    • Online Application Form – Completed, click HERE
    • Immunization Record – current year
    • Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
    • Payment, if not paid online

Important 5th Quarter Information may be found HERE

  • Includes important information for students & parents
    — dates, open house, fees, forms & more

Who’s eligible for 5th Quarter:

  • Elementary aged children – starting Kindergarten through completed 6th grade
  • Limited to 50 children

Other Resources | Home | Top of Page | 5th Quarter Home | ASP Home |

Contact information:

Kristi Hogue, 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program director (khogue@lumserve.org | 765-423-2691)
Text Updates – to sign up for LUM 5th Quarter updates, text @lum5q to 81010

Behavior Expectations for LUM Camp

Each child is expected to behave in a respectful way at LUM Camp. 

Listed below are rules each child will need to follow to make camp a wonderful experience for all:

  • No put downs or name calling.  Camp is a time to have fun, show respect for each other and make new friends.
  • Each camper is expected to leave his hands and feet to himself and not get into others belongings.  Therefore, we will not tolerate fist fights.
  • Be a good listener and follow directions.
  • Always stay with a counselor or adult leader.  A camper is never to go off by him/herself.
  • Be a team player and display a good attitude.

Parent/guardian of each camper must read and understand the Behavior Expectations of camp.

Parent/guardian of each camper must agree to bring their child home from camp if he/she is asked by the director to leave camp based on the child’s behavior.