Category Archives: LUM Camp

LUM Camp 2018 – Registration NOW Open

Four Day, Overnight Camp – July 31-August 3

lum camp fireflyWhat is LUM Camp?
LUM Camp is a 4-day, overnight camp experience, including swimming, crafts, music, food & fun! This year’s theme is “Let Your Light Shine.”

Who can come?
Children ages 8-10…

  • Who qualify for free school lunches, OR…
  • Whose family receives food stamps, OR…
  • Whose family is at or below 150% of the poverty level

Where is LUM Camp held?
Hanging Rock Camp in Warren County, Indiana

When is Camp?
Tuesday, July 31 – Friday, August 3

When may I register my child for LUM Camp?
Online at NOW, go to -OR-
Any Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the LUM Office, 420 N 4th Street, Lafayette

What do I need to have when I register?
Name of child’s physician & phone number; Prescription medicine information (name of medicine and time it needs to be given to your child);
Registration fee – $5 & $1 for each additional child (this is the only cost to you)

Any questions?
Call LUM at 765-423-2991, Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Register Today! Registrations are first come, first served.