Last Updated: February 2025
Family Guide for Youth Programs
LUM Mission Statement:

Poverty is the greatest thief. More than depriving a neighbor of food or shelter or warmth, it steals away hope. While other thieves may take away the past, poverty steals the future and self-respect.
Lafayette Urban Ministry is in the business of restoring human dignity. Through voluntary efforts and contributions we give back the hope, the future, the self-respect, which all God’s people need and deserve.
Ours is a Christian ministry that welcomes congregations and people of all faiths. We give witness to God’s saving love and prophetic power by loving neighbors, seeking justice, empowering the least among us, and renewing the Church’s social ministry.
Youth Programs Vision Statement:
“Train up a child in the way he should go; and
Proverbs 22:6
when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Our youth programs provide a safe, fun, nurturing, and enriching environment with staff and volunteers dedicated to enhancing the educational and social experiences of every child.
Information included
- Contact information
- Liability
- About the LUM Youth Program Staff
- Meal & Snack Rules
- Rules for Departure
- Specific Guidelines for students
- Transportation
- Safe Conditions
- Guidance Policy
- Fees
Contact Information
- Please join ProCare through your invitation email for Attendance, Billing, Calendars, Newsletters, and Messaging.
- You may also text @lumasp (after school) or @lum5q (summer) to 81010 to join
- our REMIND classroom for texting options.
- LUM office phone: 765.423.2691 (Main desk – Administration)
- Ray Ewry Center phone: 765.269.4121 (Youth Program Line)
- Email:
LUM endeavors to provide a safe and caring environment for the children in their care. When enrolling, you will waive, release, and discharge from any and all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising for the negligence or fault of the LUM Board of Directors, employees, and volunteers, for your child’s well-being, property, or action of any kind which may hereafter occur to your child during their participation in the LUM program. Charges and fees of medical services are not the responsibility of LUM and/or its staff. LUM does not provide accident insurance and cannot assume responsibility of any injury to any participant(s) in its programs. You will sign a liability waiver during enrollment to our program.
About LUM Youth Staff
Lafayette Urban Ministry Youth Programs includes our After School Programming (ASP), 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program (5Q), and LUM Camp. These programs are overseen by the Youth Programs director, Teaching staff, Bus drivers, LUM Camp director, and volunteers. All staff are required to undergo initial screenings and ongoing training. Our staff have education and experience in Education and Social Services, as well as other related disciplines. As mandatory reporters, staff and volunteers receive training on safe and caring interactions with children, as well as signs and symptoms of Child Abuse and Neglect. They also are up-to-date on guidelines for First Aid, CPR, and bloodborne pathogens as well as Child Development and Education Standards. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that we not only meet requirements, but we offer the best care, education, and support to our children and families.
Youth Programs Snack & Summer Lunch Rules
Our After School Program and 5th Quarter Summer Learning Program offer daily snacks. We follow ALL state guidelines, and ensure snacks are served at scheduled times. There are times, i.e., during extra full-day care or during the summer, that parents may be asked to supply lunch. This request will always happen in advance, and in writing. We do not use food as reward/punishment.
Rules for Departure of Children
Children can only leave with people listed on their approved list, unless written changes have been made. Verbal changes by phone may be accepted in a last minute change. Late pick up, defined as anytime after our listed closing time, will result in a late pick up fee. In addition, late pick up may result in removal from the program if it becomes a regular issue. A parent or staff member should ensure children are signed out.
Specific Guidelines for Students
Homework, Learning, and Reading time Guidelines
Students will be asked to be quiet, respectful of others, complete homework unless requested otherwise by parents, participate in planned learning activities, and read for 20 minutes per day. Once completed, other planned learning activities or child chosen activities will be available. ASP and 5Q do have routines to ensure children have time to learn and to play.
Computers and Screen Time Guidelines
LUM Youth Programs do have an older model gaming system, televisions for family appropriate movie-viewing, and Chromebooks for student use. Gaming and screen time is limited, and we do have rules that the children must follow. Computer time is limited to teacher-approved website-based games. No personal gaming systems, cell phones, or computer devices are allowed in youth programs.
For the Playstation, children must be supervised when playing. Children will be asked to take turns and may wait near the Playstation if they are being respectful and watching. Those who are not will be removed.
For our Chromebook computer, children must have adult permission to use computers. They will be asked to carry the computer while it is closed, one hand grasping each side of the computer while walking to a table or desk. They will be allowed no food or drinks while using the computer. Computers may be used in lesson planned educational activities as well. Computer time is a privilege, and may be removed based on other behavior situations or misuse of the computer or programs. Additional expectations are posted for the children on site.
Bathroom Rules
For purposes of safety and supervision, Children should notify an adult when they need to use the bathroom and only one person can use the bathroom at a time unless a teacher is present to monitor at the door. Children will be asked to follow appropriate hygiene and will be reminded to wash and dry their hands.
Lafayette Urban Ministry Staff or Volunteers will transport children in an insured Activity Bus. We will transport from school to the LUM building each day during the school year. In addition, we may transport children for field trips when scheduled during the summer as well as some limited times during the school year. Our bus drivers are trained in activity bus regulations and meet all Teaching Staff requirements. Children will not be left unattended, and drivers will inspect the bus to ensure no children are left on board. As a parent or guardian, you sign permission for us to transport your child in the enrollment process. We ask that you review these bus rules with your child, to ensure the safety of everyone on the bus:
- Children must wear a seatbelt and stay facing forward in their seat at all times
- Children cannot have any food or drinks on the bus
- No hitting/pushing/shoving/fighting is permitted on the bus
- Children must be quiet – no yelling is permitted
- Children must listen to the bus driver
- Children must be respectful of others and the bus
- Children should not touch emergency exits or windows
Safe Conditions
The following steps will be taking to ensure your child is safe while in our care:
- Children will be supervised by the required number of qualified staff and volunteers.
- Children will be in a well-maintained environment, with maintenance requests kept up to date and competed when children are not in attendance.
- The center will be cleaned and sanitized regularly.
- Outdoor play will occur daily as weather permits, following the weather guidelines for wind chill at or below 25 degrees F and heat index as directed. Air quality will also be monitored.
- Indoor and outdoor environments will be kept clean, safe, and supervised at all times.
- Daily schedules will be posted in the center.
Disciplinary/Guidance Policy As Required by the State of Indiana
It is very important that a child’s development is nurtured through caring, patience and understanding. However, while caring for your children, we may have to respond to your child’s misbehavior. Hitting, kicking, spitting, hostile verbal behavior and other behaviors which will hurt another child are not permitted.
In response to these behaviors we will not use:
- Threats or bribes
- Physical punishment, even if requested by the parent
- Deprive your child of food or other basic needs
- Humiliation or isolation
In response to misbehavior, we will:
- Respect your child
- Establish clear rules
- Be consistent in enforcing rules
- Use positive language and explain the desired behavior
- Speak calmly while bending down to your child’s eye level
- Give clear choices
- Redirect your child to a new activity
- Move your child to a time-out area for no longer than one minute per year of your child’s age, if necessary
If your child’s behavior is very disruptive or harmful to him/herself or other children, we will discuss the issue with you privately. If the situation can be resolved, the child may remain enrolled. If we are unable to resolve the issue, you may be asked to make other child care arrangements.
** Parent/Guardian will sign a copy of this expectation at enrollment**
Lafayette Urban Ministry Youth fees are offered on a fee scale based on family income, which is regularly updated and available on our website: Each Youth Program has separate fees, as programs vary in funding, services, and availability. All programs require fee payments to be made in a timely manner.
After School Program
LUM After School Program is open based on the Lafayette School Corporation Calendar. The After School Program has a set tuition per child, which takes into account all breaks and holidays. Fees are charged regardless of dates/times services are used, as we base our fees on services provided over the course of the semester. We ask that you commit to paying weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Our fee covers the cost of providing a safe and nurturing environment, tutoring/homework help, daily snacks, educational activities, field trips, events, and recreational activities. Fall and Spring Break care, and full day scheduling for eLearning days, may be offered based on need. If offered, there would be a separate charge specifically for Break care weeks.
5th Quarter Summer Learning Program
We understand summer is a time for family vacations, summer school, and other camps. Children may be enrolled on a weekly or daily basis, and are not required to be enrolled for the entire summer. For part time care, 5th Quarter will offer a daily rate for children attending three days or less per week due at drop off on the day of service.
LUM Camp
This sleep-away camp is a separate program that may include our other youth program students ages 8 to 10 years of age. Registration is generally opened in late May, with camp occurring for 4 days in July. LUM Camp requires a payment of $5 per enrolled student specific to that program. More specific information is available on the LUM website.
General Payment Expectations and Late Fees (5Q and ASP):
- There is a non-refundable Registration Fee of $10 per child, which serves to hold your spot(s) in the program.
- Please understand that timely payment is vital for the functioning of the program. Full Payment is expected based on your payment option. A $10 late payment fee will be applied to payments made after the payment option due date. If payments are continuously late, and no payment arrangements have been made with the director, services will be suspended until payment has been made in full.
- There will also be a late pick up fee assessed at $5 for 15 minutes or any part thereof after program closing time. Continued late pick up and/or payment will result in loss of services.
- Monthly Tuition Option: Due in full by the first Monday of each month. This option is only available during the school year.
- Weekly (or Biweekly) Tuition Option: Weekly or Biweekly Payments should be made in advance on the Friday before the covered period. Weekly fees are not based on attendance, and will be the same each week.
- Daily Tuition Option: Due in advance or on the day of attendance for part time summer care. This option is only available during the summer program.
CCDF Funding (5Q and ASP):
LUM Youth Programs accept CCDF funding as a payment option. Your attendance, schedule, and payment of copay (if applicable) are your required forms of payment. It is your responsibility to keep up with these requirements. If you fail to pay or notify us of your schedule, you may be in jeopardy of losing your care at LUM. Absence days will be added based on your regular weekly schedule. Copays will be based on assigned CCDF expectations with the same expectations for payment as listed under the weekly tuition option above. It is your responsibility to ensure your current income documentation is on file to receive fee scale discounts. You may request a written explanation of this decision.