5th Quarter – Application Process – Part 2

Thank you for submitting an application for your child.
If you received an email confirmation of your application, it has been submitted successfully. If you did NOT receive a confirmation email, your application probably did NOT submit successfully; so, please email, Kristi Hogue at khogue@lumserve.org and let her know.

Additional Child?

If you have an ADDITIONAL CHILD that you would like to enroll in 5th Quarter, please complete another application for an additional child — click HERE.

Next Steps

5th Quarter application will NOT be accepted until ALL of the below items are submitted.

  1. Fill out the Online Application Form
  2. Pay $80 Fee per child; or $25 per day
    • Pay Online HERE -or- Pay in Person -or- Pay by Mail
  3. Submit the following for each child:
    • Immunization Record – current year
    • Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable
    • Payment, if not paid online

Important 5th Quarter Information may be found HERE

  • Includes important information for students & parents
    — dates, open house, fees, forms & more